Blog Me??? (a repost)

Blog Me???

Blog me? Nooooo blog YOU!! You friggin' blogger!
Who the blog you think you are blogging to? 
Imma blog you up and then smash your blog.  That's right!  You blogged me right!  I heard what the blog you said and I don't blog you.  You blogged 1 too many times and I'm mutheffen blogged!! 
Your blogs are not as cute as you think.  Yeah I'll give it to you, you are bloggilicious and your blogs got it going on.  But what the blog!!??? 
(blog pause) 
Ooooooh...I get it.  You blog me, eh eh? Heee heee yeah blogger baby sweet.  You're bloggin' me and I blog you too, bloggit!  But you've got to blog me right to get good blogging back.
Stop play bloggin' and blog me back!!! 
Blogkisses, baby!!

LMBAO!!! Juliann "Jewelz" Weston (c) 2010


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