Playing The Game

Playing The Game

I love playing solitare at my desk.  Anytime I get the chance to relax a little bit from the day’s shenanigans, I go right to solitare.  This game has been around for like ever and there are many variations to it.  If you have the new microsoft windows 10, you will know what I mean.  After learning them all, I’ve become addicted to trying to win each game – like anyone would.  The more you play, the more you see how the cards are dealt; you get better at anticipating your moves and the computer’s counter moves.  Yes it has counter moves.  

There are several features of the program that are there to help you out such as an ‘undo’ tab – you get a chance to undo a bad move or make a different better move and there’s also a ‘hint’ tab where the computer will highlight a move for you.  Now here’s why I’m blogging about this game.  When you can clearly see a great move that will lead you to a win, the hint will blatantaly suggest a totally different move to make you lose. TF?! It’s the computer’s counter move that leads you to a defeat.  I get pissed at it all of the time but what I see/understand, it’s the way it’s programed.  It’s job is to lead you to lose.  Kinda like life.  You can clearly see a great path/move to victory but that darn program comes right on in to make you lose.  It’s designed to divert your purposeful life into a downward spiral.  Whatever that program is (addictions, negative people/things/ideas, society etc.) it’s job is to stop your life.  But…if you can put away the distractions and learn how the cards are dealt, you can anticipate the bad moves and make your own to get a win.  Every one of us has the same program that follows us throughout our lives.  It’s a certain algorithm we get used to (purhaps it generational) that keeps us making the same mistakes over again.  So much so that we can see it/them coming.  We’ll know how the cards are dealt.  Pay attention to the triggers and bypass the ‘hints’ because they’re only there to make you lose.  Play the game and win!! 

Hebrews 12: 1-2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.


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