To Mask or Not To Mask: Why Do We Ask?
If you by any chance are from another planet, you will not understand this question. The world has been totally flipped over because of covid-19 and people are buggin’ over everything. Particularly when it comes to wearing a mask in public.
Ok so yeah I get that wearing a barely breathable piece of paper-like material or a slice of a garment over your face in now what is the summer time is very uncomfortable, hot and annoying as all get out. I also understand that wearing glasses or shades can be cumbersome when the steam fogs your sight, but people, until the world is free from the pandemic (whether you believe in it or not), we MUST do what we gotta do to keep ourselves and others safe around us.
Let’s face it (no pun intended) some people can be a bit unsanitary and down right rude around others. As a public bus rider, I seeeeeee the nasty, nasty – nose pickers, coughers with spittle, mouth wipers without tissue and more! Yes!! We need the masks! Aside from the pandemic, people should WANT to be hygiene conscious and do what they can to lessen the spread of whatever the F! Why argue with an establishment about THEIR rules for customers to wear masks in THEIR business? They have the right to enforce it for public safety. It’s amazing to see the whole ass arguments, temper tantrums and flying objects over not only other’s safety but their own as well. You don’t want to be safe? Come on, people it should be a no-brainer. When in a public spot where there are lots of people, just wear the damn mask! You don’t have to sleep in it….just be friggin’ safe in public!
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