Are Celebrities Human?

Quick question, are celebrities allowed to be human?  I ask this question because it seems as though when life stuff happens and they choose to tweet or post something on a social media platform about said happening, they are told to just be a rapper or comedian or actor or whatever they are known for and not make any comments.  Huh?  So, what you’re saying is that they are only good for what they do and for them not to feel or be affected by life?  I find this absurd! The problem is that people are not separating the actual person with their onstage/onscreen persona. It’s like they should just shut up and look pretty. They’re human, too, people.  Human strife affects them just as it does the rest of the world.  It’s just that more people know their names.  Their opinions may not necessarily jive with ours, but it still doesn’t mean they shouldn’t express themselves.  They do not carry their characters with them in real life.  They have feelings and they care about the world in which they’re living.  Can you imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger walking around blowing up shit as the terminator?  Leave people alone, people.  It’s ok for public figures to be opinionated no matter what they feel.  Shit, regular folks’ comments are way more bizarre, in accurate, insensitive and down right silly.  Ok now who’s the character?


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