Walking In Ministry - Last 2 Steps

Step Three: If You Are Called to Lead  and
Step Four: Surviving the Throws of Leadership

Wow…the holidays can truly take one off course but thank God, here’s another chance to follow up on my mini-series of Walking In Ministry. Here are the last two steps: If You Are Called to Lead  and Surviving the Throws of Leadership.

Step Three: If You Are Called to Lead.

We all know that in every organized group, there’s a leader; the one who steers the ship. In ministry, the leader/president/director, etc. has to not only be ‘called’ to that position but be prepared in multiple ways in order for the ministry to be a productive and successful one. How do you prepare?


No one can lead a ministry/auxiliary outside of the will and purposes of God without prayer and fasting. You have to seek His face and find the pathway He wants you to take. Seek God’s will for the ministry. Fast and pray regularly. As leaders a consistent prayer life outside of ministry produces a powerful vessel and a consistent prayer life within the ministry produces a powerful ministry.

Check Yourself  

Check your motives. Listen, it’s very exciting to be a part of a thriving ministry and even more of a blessing to lead. But you must check your thoughts and personal agendas. Are you in that role to be glorified or to glorify God? Remember it’s not about us but His will that HAS to be done. Do you like the attention it brings? Can you still thrive in it even if no one notices you? You have to count every step you make as joy unto the Lord even when no one gives you props for your work.

Educate Yourself

Whatever the ministry is, find some academic courses in your particular field and take a class, or two, or three to take it to the next level. Conduct workshops. Ask professionals within your church (or ask God to connect you to the right people) who have the type of expertise your ministry needs and lend their services. I’ve had the blessing to meet powerful people in both writing and acting who have lent their talents to the respective ministries I was in and it made huge impacts on the groups.

Create and Maintain Ministry Mission Statements & Standard Operation Procedures

Like any organized entity, rules and regulations apply. Same, too with a ministry/auxiliary. Write the vision and make it plan. Have unified goals with the church’s mission statement – if the pastor has not given an outline – of what the ministry is about, where you (the ministry) are going and how you will carry out the plan, procedures for new members, conduct, etc. Yes it sounds very authoritative, but believe me, it is necessary. You don’t want a ship in a storm without a sail. Mission statements and SOPs are the sails.

Learn the Art of Juggling Personalities

Of course we know that the world is full of different personalities, opinions, attitudes, etc. and it can be quite a task to handle them all in ministry but…it must be done. In order to maintain an atmosphere of peace and productivity, a ministry/auxiliary leader has to learn and continually work on casting the flesh aside. It’s not easy when you have people who just don’t want to follow direction or show up on time or want to dominate the meetings, etc. Leaders have to have that kind of skin and oomph to let things roll off their sleeves and steer the ship. What do you do when someone wants to continually be disruptive? Love them and tell them in love what needs to be corrected. If they don’t want to follow along peacefully, God WILL remove them. Don’t fight. Pray. Don’t gossip or cause divisions. Pray. Don’t be a push over. Pray. God will give you the peace and strength to deal with them.

Follow Then Lead

Ministries/auxiliaries are a part of a church organism and must follow the over-all mission of the house of worship. They are not separate entities working outside of the church. They must be uniform with the vision of its governing body. We have to learn how to follow in order to lead. If a leader expects their members to be obedient and he/she is not, guess what, they will not be in that role. Rules and regulations are put in place for very specific reasons. Leaders have to trust the leadership of their governing bodies – unless for extreme situations. A great leader is a great follower/server. Jesus served.
 Step Four: Surviving the Throws of Leadership

Now that you’ve prayed / fasted, checked and educated yourself, created and maintained ministry mission statements and standard operating procedures, learned to juggle personalities and can follow the leadership of your church governing body, what about surviving the throws of leadership?

When you’re on top, you have a target on your back. Jealousies, backstabbers, your own insecurities, demonic spirits of temptations, distractions, etc. have zeroed in on taking you out. Plain and simple. If you are called to be in the role you are in, it’s automatic that you will go through some trials and tribulations…but you can survive! How?
Keep Your Eyes on the Lord

Again, prayer and fasting will give you strength and the courage to push forward. If God put you there, He will keep you there until He makes the change. Be silent and still and know that He’s got you. Hold your head up.

Don’t Look In Their Faces

People are mean and will have no qualms about showing who they really are if they have an agenda. If you are not built to stand firm, you will topple over. Ask God for the spirit of discernment and He will give it to you. Street smarts will go a long way when dealing with ministry/auxiliary members who may be a bit difficult to handle. It’s just different in how we have to handle them. Be firm in what has to be done. It’s not about them or you but what God’s purposes are. Don’t look in their faces – meaning, don’t worry about what they have to say or even what they’re doing in front of or behind your back. When God’s hands are on you, no weapon formed against you will prosper.

The Roller Coaster

There are highs and lows in everything. Sometimes we can be up and flying high and the next lower than low. As a leader it’s especially difficult when you’re low. Everyone is looking to you for direction. You’re the “it”. But when you are not having a good day, what do you do? In my experiences, I’ve learned to steal some time for myself just to vent, exhale and breathe again. It’s OK to turn your phones off, to say no I can’t do that, etc. We’re not super people. In fact, Jesus even took some time for Himself to commune with God.
Be Humble / Give God All Glory

There’s not much to say here but again, know it’s not about you but God. Favor is addictive but a privilege. It is easy to think it’s you. It’s nice to smile over what God has done/is doing but be careful not to get puffed up on yourself. You don’t have to be where you are. Keep your eyes on the One who is blessing you and give Him all glory!

I pray that my little tid-bits can bless you in your ministry/auxiliary. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at jwestonprod@outlook.com.

God bless you!!



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