Step Two: You’ve Looked in Your Hands, Now What?

Walking In Ministry
 Step Two: You’ve Looked in Your Hands, Now What?

In Step One: Look to See What’s In Your Hands, I encouraged you to look inside of your hands to see the gifts/talents that God gave you. I pray that you have and if you did, now what?

There’s always room for everyone’s gifts. We just have to get in where we fit in. If your place of worship has a ministry where your particular gifts/talents can be used, awesome? If not, inquire about how to create one.

Going back to my examples of writing and theatre, the first church I was a member of didn’t have an organized church newsletter/bulletin. So a very few of us (didn’t take a lot) asked the presiding pastor if we could begin one and so we did. Simple as that. (Organizing/working with others, etc. will be explored in Step Three). We took the desire we had to keep the congregation informed of church happenings, etc. and worked diligently on creating a positive well produced newsletter/bulletin. Those who couldn’t make it to church – sick, shut-ins, etc.- were still in the loop through the publication. There was a need for it and God made room for our gifts/talents to his glory.

The other part of ministry I was blessed to be a part of was the drama ministry. Again, there wasn’t a drama ministry but we had a desire to use our creativity to present the gospel in a different format. So we made the proper requests and we were granted the green light to begin one.

Every church is different in their protocol for organizing a ministry. There are seasons for everything and if by chance a request has not been honored, sit back and let God make the room for your gifts/talents. Sometimes the wheel doesn’t have to be reinvented but perhaps a fresh idea can renew an existing one and you can be that spark. It’s all a matter of looking to see where your gifts/talents fit in, praying and letting God go from there.

Audit the ministries in your church and see where your gifts can flow. God can and wants to use that ‘staff’ to do mah-velous things in His name and to His glory! Simple, right? Exactly! Get your gifts/talents in gear and MOVE!

In next week’s Step Three: If You Are Called to Lead, I will explore the world of being in leadership. J



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