So Much to Say

So much to say but scared of shyt to release for fear of retribution, persecution and perhaps a revolution? I'm not sure how to live for a future going up in smoke - happily. Controversies, idols, petty law suits, arguments and physical confrontations are thriving and have become the accepted "norm". Baseball is a game I used to love sooo much but I got turned off some years back when the personal lives of players were the priority and not the game. The same thing is happening for wrestling entertainment. Damn! I turn on the television or boot up the computer and see the same ole stories on the same ole folk. I don't give a fugg about who's bumpin' whom, what they're naming their babies, who's wearing whom or what the fugg, who's getting a divorce, who's whoopin whose azz or what star is going on the latest racial rants. Whatever!!! Fugg them and fugg this system of things!!  Children are being used as meat EVERY DAY and no one sheds light on that very serious issue. But I betchu one thing - a big ole picture of someone's tiddays poppin' out their dress will get the run-a-round. We deserve everything we get. We WILL reap what we've sown. Bad economy. Poor health. Disgusting school system. Disrespectful youth. Shortage of jobs. Crime. Rage. Extraordinary prejudices. Intolerance. Deep resentment for even breathing. No respect for life or personal space. Undeveloped minds and potential. EXTREME short life spans. Bad weather. Time in warp speeds. Lost and empty souls. But through alllll of this one thing keeps my mind in perfect peace....JESUS!!!!


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