It Gets Better – We Must DO Better

New Year, New Beginnings, but Same ‘Ole Oppressive Spirits!!

Have you noticed that lately many people are saying more and more raunchy things about others without a single ounce of care? Racial slurs and sly sexual preference innuendos are ripping left and right creating deep resentments in the groups of whom they are directed and no one can do anything about it. But really, what can you actually DO about someone speaking their mind? Growing up you’d always hear ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ but it really is a lie! They DO hurt!!

The N word, the R word, the C word, the W word, the B word, the F word and the profiling of EVERY KIND of group in the world is stirring up a pot of ugly and it’s starting to boil over. A nasty look can make some people ready to hold a grudge match jonnie-on-the-spot while others only need that 1 word to help them go off!! The moral of mankind is sinking lower and lower day by day. We think it’s cute when we see videos of people enthralled with beat downs while hurling insults at their victims because of who they may be. Haven’t we seen enough suicides due to what others do to their victims? Will we ever get past skin color, cultural make-ups, classism and homophobias to live in peace? IDK if we can if we don’t want to.

I believe that we’ve gotten real comfy with living in a ‘free’ society that we’ve forgotten that there still is a spirit of oppression out here and it’s never satisfied. Whenever you hear of stories of people saying off the wall ish, it’s feeding itself. But how much control are WE going to let it have? Will Black folk still get angry every time the N word is spoken whether it comes from a friendly mouth or not? Or will we shake that ish off and lift our heads high and keep on walking. Will Asians fly off the handle when someone negatively refers to them or will they carry their pride on the shoulders as they continue to conquer the world? Yeah I think they are doing that.

Will the F word keep causing major chaos or will those in alternative lifestyles keep marching to their own tune and tune the world out? The Mexicans stand firm against those would deny them entry into a country built by alien hands for alien people. They KNOW who they are and let nothing and no one rip their existence.

It’s a shame that here in the year of our Lord 2,012 that the world is still battling racial and ethnic tensions! We’ve come a long way yet we still have a loooooooong way to go! Others are fighting for their right to marry whomever they want to as others are still keeping on keeping on fighting for basic civil rights. Bullets are still pumped into the flesh of young and old folk with deep hatred without cause. Laws (both publically and secretly) are being made every day to deny humans the right to breath. How can this be possible? Haven’t we learned yet? Do we not know better?

Well it’s a matter of spirits. Oppressive spirits are miserable and want others to be miserable, too. Whatever it can do to have and keep company, it will do. But we CAN do better. The world campaign that’s going around now says “It gets better.” WE should and must strive to DO better. The world is spinning out of control and before we know it…KABOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!! No more chance to get it right or for it to get better.

So while we have time, LET’S DO BETTER so that IT DOES GET BETTER!! Don’t let other people’s words get you in a tizzy. As long as hands are not raised, basic human rights are not denied and equality is given across the board, may be…words…won’t… hurt.



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