A New Year A New View
Happy New Year Everybody!
I hope that your 2009 was pleasant, encouraging and fruitful. If, like so many others, your 2009 was a rocky one, then I'm sure that you are looking forward to a brand new year in 2010. Wow! Can you get over the fact that we're seeing the 10th year in 2000? It's amazing how time is zooming by. So fast that I think that most of us are losing time. There's so much for us to do but if you are like me, you're stuck on pause for one reason or another. How do we press play again? How do we get up off of the control buttons and let the gifts & talents that God has placed in us soar? No one can truly answer that. We have to be our own pep squads in order for us to live the life planned for us. But how do you know what that life is? Hmmmmm....look at God's work inside of you. The pain that we've experienced was not for us alone (can you believe that). It is meant to be used to encourage someone else going through what we have. I know, I know that sounds a little quirky but think about it....have you ever began talking about something you've gone through with someone and as a result of it, they were better? It wasn't because they took delight in your pain but felt better because they knew they were not alone.
I'm learning day by day to stretch my mind a little more: to believe in God and His love in me a little more. To believe in me and who I am. I'm working on developing a new view of myself and where I need to be in the world. It's too easy to say 'f' it and don't do anything. Too many people have gone into their graves or live in a dead stooper day in and day out because they've kept a low view of themselves living in a constant 'woe is me', etc. syndrom but we can't do that any more.
Knowing that I've got to lose weight, I have to now train my body to resist what it got so comfortable in doing so too I have to do the same for my mind. Changing my thought patterns to forget the negative and 'feel' a better future. Doesn't mean that life will not be without its challenges but with a new view, it can be easier to deal with. We have to try for something different, new....better.
Heb 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." KJV
Be encouraged my friends.
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