Lonely Killers

I’ve got to rant just a little bit. This will be of no specific order or eloquence. Just want to talk.

I’m so concerned about people who are lonely who feel so badly about being alone that the only recourse is to take theirs and other’s lives. I know what it feels like to deeply desire to have someone to chill with as do soooo many others but at what cost? We all want to touch someone and be touched but because of insecurities, shyness, laziness or whatever, we find ourselves alone.

We were made to be in relationships. God created us one for another. There’s always someone in the world to chill with. But what DO we do who battle with being single? How do we handle the inner struggle of being alone? No one really knows what went on inside the 48 year old man who took his and other’s lives due to the fact that he couldn’t find a mate. There HAS to be more to that situation than what was talked about. He didn’t live on an island all by himself. With today’s tech that enables us to reach around the friggin’ world, there really is no excuse not to mingle.

I feel for him and many who feel the same despair. But we have to find something to do to keep our minds balanced from day to day. There’s too much to do in this day and age not to be able to have some kind of relationship. Even if you have to pay for it until it comes naturally, something can be done.

Ok. Now what?????? We’ve got to connect. We’ve got to find positive avenues to foster healthy relationships. If you know you have a problem, please find some help. Don’t let it become that serious to the point of death. Like I said, there’s way more to that story and I hope that he has now found the peace he sought after.


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